Effort to help ex-felons secure employment revived in Oklahoma Legislature

by Barbara Hoberock - Tulsa World

OKLAHOMA CITY — Lawmakers are expected to revise an effort next session to make it easier for felons who have served their time to get jobs.

Last session, Sen. Jack Stewart, R-Yukon, filed Senate Bill 1077, called the Ban the Box legislation. It would bar employers from asking on a job application or during the hiring process whether a candidate has felony conviction.

But the bill would allow employers to request a background report if a conditional employment offer has been made.

Read more: https://tulsaworld.com/news/state-regional/government-politics/effort-to-help-ex-felons-secure-employment-revived-in-oklahoma-legislature/article_f2f4f0d0-6eca-11ee-9e94-63d26b228cd6.html