
Supreme Court Amends Rule; Background Checks Should Continue Without Delay

by Advocacy News - Michigan Chamber of Commerce

After months of back and forth, the Michigan Supreme Court adopted an amendment to its personal identifying information (PII) court rule impacting background checks.

As previously reported, the court rule, which was slated to go into effect on January 1, 2022, would have required Michigan courts to redact all personal identifying information (PII) from public records.  In doing so, the Supreme Court would have effectively eliminated the ability of professional background screening companies to conduct background checks for businesses across Michigan.  Ninety-four percent of employers conduct background checks and, in many instances, are required to do so under state and federal law.

Read more: https://www.michamber.com/news/supreme-court-amends-rule-background-checks-should-continue-without-delay/

House lawmakers want birthdate to stay on court records; courts have other plans

by Beth LeBlanc - The Detroit News

Lansing — Michigan House lawmakers are moving to preserve the listing of birthdates on court records even as state courts are years into the process of removing the information from public records. 

A bill discussed Wednesday in the House Judiciary Committee would preserve the status quo by prohibiting courts from redacting birth dates on public records so that background check companies can maintain ready access to those records for screenings.

Read more: https://www.detroitnews.com/story/news/local/michigan/2021/10/13/lawmakers-want-birthdate-stay-court-records-courts-have-other-plans/8434428002/

Personal info to be kept off court documents

by Julie Riddle - The Alpena News

ALPENA — Private information will soon be a little less public thanks to a change to court rules that shields birth dates and other identifying information from public consumption — a change that could stand in the way of residents in search of a job or a home, critics say.

Read more: https://www.thealpenanews.com/news/local-news/2021/06/personal-info-to-be-kept-off-court-documents/

Legislature approves automatic expungement bills

by David Eggert - Associated Press

LANSING — Michigan would automatically expunge criminal records and ease the application process for those convicted of marijuana offenses under sweeping "clean slate" bills that received final legislative approval Thursday.

Read more: https://www.crainsdetroit.com/government/legislature-approves-automatic-expungement-bills